How to Convert CGPA To Percentage In College?

In academics, cgpa (cumulative grade point average) is globally adopted for evaluating student performance. It simplifies grading using a cumulative score, often represented as 10, 5 or 4. However, many employers and institutes prefer percentages for clarity. The conversion of cgpa to percentage is a simple process, but it varies by institution or country. 
CGPA is a grading method calculated by averaging the grade points earned in all subjects. The system reduces the complexity by condensing subject-specific scores into a single figure, allowing easy student comparison. CGPA standardizes grades, making comparing students’ performance across multiple subjects or colleges easier.


Why Convert CGPA to Percentage?

Steps To Convert CGPA To Percentage

Following are the steps to convert CGPA to Percentage:

Institution Formula

The formula for converting cgpa to percentage differs among colleges and universities. It is necessary to check the college’s official guidelines or academic handbook to understand the formula they follow. The simple formula used is:

General Formula

Percentage = CGPA × 10
For example, 10 cgpa in  percentage will be 8.5 ×10 = 85%

Alternate Formula

Some institutes use a slightly different method: 
Percentage = (CGPA × 9.5)
For example, 8.5 cgpa in percentage will be 8.5 ×9.5 = 80.75%

Check For Additional Adjustments

Specific colleges might include additional factors or scaling methods in the formula. Despite that, they might deduct a fixed percentage or include subject-specific weightage. Review the academic regulations carefully to avoid errors. 

Use Online Conversion Tools

Numerous universities are offering online percentage calculators on their official websites. These tools are accurate and align with the institution-specific formula. Simple input cgpa and let the tool display percentage.

How To Find CGPA In The First Place?

Before converting cgpa to percentage, ensure that the calculation is accurate. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Add the grade points for all subjects.
  • Divide the total grade points by the number of subjects.

7,8,9,10 across four subjects will be calculated as follows:
CGPA = 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 divided by 4 = 8.5

Institution-Specific Guidelines

Indian Universities

In India, major universities, including Dehli and Mumbai, use the 9.5 multiplier method. For instance, using this formula, an 8 cgpa in percentage translates to 76%. 

International Universities

Foreign universities often use a 4.0 scale. To convert a cgpa from a 4-point scale to a percentage, use the following:
Percentage = (CGPA/4) multiplies 100
For example, 3.2 / 4 = 80 %

Benefits of knowing How To Convert CGPA To Percentage

The following are the benefits of knowing how to convert cgpa to percentage:

Better Career Opportunities

Many job applicants require percentages, especially in competitive sectors.

Ease In Application Process

Higher education institutions often ask for percentage-based marks.

Improved Self-Evaluation

Understanding performance in percentage terms helps set realistic career and academic goals.

Disadvantages Of Using CGPA

The following are the disadvantages of using cgpa:

  • Often rounding off the grade that lacks precision
  • It averages the grades across all subjects, undervaluing a student’s strength in a specific field.
  • Colleges provide different scales, so that this inconsistency can create confusion during admission or job applications. 
  • The grading system, A, B, and C, demotivates students. 
  • CGPA does not account for factors like class participation, project work, and achievements in extra-curricular activities. 


To conclude, converting CGPA to percentage in college is an essential skill that clarifies academic representation and ensures compatibility with the global educational system. Every student gets a specific formula from the institution. Always verify your calculations and use reliable tools for accurate conversation. Confidently present academic achievements in any required format by mastering these simple processes.

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