CGPA to Percentage

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

cgpa to percentage calculator

Convert your grades with ease. From CGPA to Percentage and vice versa, you get all conversions in one place. You can find your GPA, SGPA, and grades too.

CGPA to Percentage Converter

Internationally, multiple grading scales are used to evaluate, including letter grades, numerical grades, percentages, marks, and more. You must convert your existing grades to the required ones depending on your requirements and the institution you are applying to. Our tools help you make these conversions easy. Our calculator performs Cgpa to Percentage conversions for you.

What is CGPA and How Does CGPA Calculator Work?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Authority) is a sum of grade averages of all the semesters divided by all the subjects of all the semesters. In Indian educational institutes, it is scaled either from 1.0 to 10.0 or 4.0 to 10.


How to Calculate CGPA using Grade Points?

Calculating your cgpa is quiet simple but if you are still unable to get your CGPA, follow the simple formula:

  • Get the grade of all the semesters (A).This means sum of all the grades you received in each subject.
  • Sum of all the subjects in all the semesters you are counting in (B). This means total number of subjects.
  • Your CGPA = (Total Grade Points (A) /Total number of subjects (B).
  • ExampleLet just understand this with an example, a student received the following grades:
     Subject A: 8
    Subject B: 9
    Subject C: 7
  • ExampleStep 1: Adding all the grade points
     Total grade points = 8 + 9 + 7 = 24
  • ExampleStep 2: Divide the total grade points by the total number of subjects
    CGPA = Total grade points / Total number of subjects
  • ExampleCGPA = 24 /3 
    CGPA = 8
    Therefore, the CGPA is 8.

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage

Let’s see now how we can convert CGPA in a general manner.


Just enter your CGPA into our tool.


Select your grading scale.


Get your results.

Now you might be thinking how is this possible? We have already added algorithms at the backend for you. We use (CGPA * 9.5) for this conversion. So let’s say you get your CGPA of 8.5 and you want to convert it to percentage, it’s simple (8.5 * 9.5 = 80.75). A CGPA of 8.5 is equivalent to 80.75%.

How it Works?

Power at Your Fingertips: Effortless Conversions

Our tool is designed to provide you with all the solutions for your conversions like cgpa to percentage and vice versa. You can find all the tools with the following characteristics.


Years of Precision in Score Conversion

We have tried our best to compile all the relevant tools for the students and teachers in one place. Our dedicated team has put their 100% effort into researching all the modules and formulas so that you can easily check your results with just a single click.

  • Fast Results
  • Detailed Overview
  • Simple & Easy

How Each University Uses CGPA into Percentage Conversion:

As mentioned, different colleges and universities use their own scale to calculate. Following are some of the examples.

CGPA to Percentage SPPU Calculator

Savitribai Phule Pune University uses a standard formula which is :
Percentage = (CGPA -0.75)× 10.

CGPA to Percentage GTU Calculator

Gujrat Technological University uses a detailed conversion matrix which is:
Percentage = [(CGPA/SPI/CPl – 0.5) x10]

CGPA to Percentage VTU Calculator

Visvesvaraya Technological University used an absolute grading system and VTU students can calculate their percentage using the formula:
Percentage = [CGPA – 0.75] * 10.

CGPA to Percentage DU Calculator

Dehli University uses a standard matrix for percentage conversion. DU students can convert their CGPA into percentages using the formula:
Final Percentage = 9.5 * CGPA.

CGPA to Percentage Mumbai University Calculator

Mumbai University (MU) uses a different approach for different programs offered by them.
For Engineering Courses:
Percentage = 7.25 * CGPA + 11
For Sciences, Arts, and Commerce (using a 7-point scale):
They calculates the student’s “actual marks” as a percentage.

CGPA to Percentage KTU Calculator

Kerala Technological University uses a standard percentage converter matrix. KTU students can use the following formula:
Percentage = (Ci * GPi / Ci) * 9.5
where Ci represents the credit granted to a certain course and GPi is the Grade Point Average for the Course.

MAKAUT CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology uses a 7-point grade system for this conversion. MAKAUT students can calculate their percentage using the formula:
Percentage = [(CGPA – 0.75) * 10]

CGPA to Percentage Conversion Table


CGPA to Percentage in 10 Grade Points:

CGPA to Percentage in 5 Grade Points:

CGPA to Percentage in 4 Grade Points:

Benefits of CGPA into Percentage Conversion

Though it may depend on your goal to have this conversion, but in a broader perspective it will help you with the following:

Applying to other Universities / Colleges

Sometimes applying to other universities requires a percentage conversion. This is where you can utilize this tool as well.

Track Performance Measure

You can track your overall academic performance percentage by using this tool as this will enable you to summarise your all semesters percentage.

Grades Comparison

Let’s say you are looking forward to having a look into detailed subject-wise and semester-wise details this tool will help you to do that.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator – Accuracy and Reliability:

While most of the students faced issues in making these calculations, we have catered to this point with our tool which enables you to convert your CGPA with accuracy and reliability on a general formula at the backend. But we also tried to cater to all the students from different universities having different grading matrices by providing the grade systems so that you can just easily convert to these percentages with the same accuracy.

Strategies to Improve Your CGPA


Well, it all depends upon you after getting a deep dive into subject-wise details that which areas / subjects need improvements but here are some pro tips that can help you out improving your CGPA.

Regular Study Schedule

Make sure your study time is regular. This practice improves conceptual understanding and retention. Do not cram at the last minute.

Participate Actively in Class

Actively participating in class so that you will be better able to grab more knowledge to stand out in the competition.

Ask for Help and Clarification

It’s the most crucial step to follow. Wherever you are stuck try to ask questions and take support from your mates and teachers and we can bet that this will improve your learning.

Use Academic Tools

In this era of digital, try to utilize all the relevant academic tools available for your learning. This is the best source available on earth where we can get all the information on a click of a single button.

Frequent Review and Practice

Always try to practice and review your performance by yourself. This will enable you to bring all the errors to almost zero.

Concentrate on Weak Subjects

Determine the subjects you are struggling with. Give these areas more of your time and attention.

Exam Strategies

Always try to make a strategy before getting into exams as this approach will enable you to think outside of the box and make a learning curve that will increase your chances of success.

Factors Affecting CGPA Calculation

  • Differences in grading systems in different institutions.
  • Rounding numbers practices.
  • Weighted credits of subjects.


Tools Tailored for Your Academic Success:

Our tools are tailored for your academic success. Keeping in view the requirement to be updated with your performance with updated states is something very important these days. Through our multiple conversion tools, you will be better able to get all the relevant conversions at one point. Following are some of the features that we have embedded for you.

User-Friendly Design

Our user-friendly design makes it easier for any end user to easily fulfill his intent with clear cut and to the point information without any hassle.

Smooth and Efficient

We believe that while performing calculations manually you get a chance of mistakes so we tried our best just to make our platform a smooth and reliable partner of yours.

Access the Tool Online

We have made it easy for you to access the tool at any time, anywhere by using any device. No need to download any type of app online.


To conclude, we believe that our cgpa to percentage calculator is one of the best tools available. Also, this is the only one-point solution available to students currently as we have explained from your improvements to applying to local and international universities this tool will help you to achieve your goals.
We believe that the overall features of the tool are good but at the same time, we recommend the students to check briefly about their grading systems through our available charts as well so that you will have the right results. Also the commercial users can go through our terms and conditions in order to avoid any  inconvenience.


You can convert this on our CGPA into Percentage converter.

Well in general we use the same tool above but it can vary from university to university.

Well, we do not calculate cgpa via this tool. We only convert your current cgpa into percentage using general formula.

Cgpa tells about your performance throughout all the semesters you have attended.

Yes, Sgpa is different from CGPA.

It’s an average between 95% to 100%.